Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring has Sprung Upon us Once Again

We have been waiting long for this day to arrive. A sunny morning with White snow all over the ground greeted us this March 20th spring day. Abigail says spring is Blue with nice sunshine. Esther says spring is Pink and Purple because of the flowers that grow. Skaidrite says spring is Green because grass grows. Brenna says spring is White because of this morning. Landon thinks spring is Brown in lots of shades because of the grass being dead and the garden bare. We have had nice warmer windy weather which has brought geese flying north and seagulls to the school fields. We have even seen pussy willows for a few weeks now. But mister north wind reminds us to not get too excited yet! But at least we know that date wise winter is officially over and spring is suppose to be here!
This week has been full of wonderful times. We have had great times playing with cousins most of this week. We had Lorrin and Spencer over for a bit on Monday, Maren and Evan on Wednesday, and The Hardy Boys (Ammon, Seth, Lorrin, Spencer, and Dalen) on Saturday. I am so glad that these boys do not mind dolls and strollers and dresses as well as their parents seeing that is all we have in our home as of yet.
We were so glad that the wind was calm enough on Friday that we were able to enjoy being outside without the fear of being blown away. Skai went to a friend's birthday party on Friday so Esther, Abigail, Rutha and I decided to walk to pick her up. On our way home we decided to continue our walk and we went and saw the horses that belong to the Hills. Sister Hill was there and allowed the girls to feed one of the horses oats and they were thrilled to be able to pet its nose. To the girls excitement, she gave them permission to feed him apple cores from apples they eat next time we are out that way. It was a great day.
Primary was great today. I (Brenna) really enjoy the time I get to spend with those children in our ward. The testimonies and knowledge that these children have never cease to amaze me. Esther was given the assignment to read the scripture of the month today. All week her and I have been working really hard to memorize Doctrine and Covenants 1:38 (condensed in the months theme). Today as she practiced it again, she asked me if she could say it all by herself, and she did to the amazement of all the other children in the primary. We were also able to talk about prophets today and how important it is to follow our living prophet today. It was fun to watch the children act out different things that our prophet, President Monson, has asked us to do. We have twin boys in our sunbeam class and we had them act out "Love Others". The two of them gave eachother a great big hug. It was so cute and touching to see the love that these boys have for eachother and their Savior. It is my prayer that all of us can show that love for eachother and to our Savior.
I am going to have to cut this letter short as we are needing to get ready for a meeting the Stake is having tonight. It will be interesting to see what all will be unfolded to us tonight and it will be a test to see if we are really willing to show that Love to others as wards are changed. Change means growth and growth is good for all of us!

1 comment:

Shillene Hancock said...

WOW SPRING comes in many different colors... *smiles* It was fun to read your blog!! Your Family is such a Great Example to ours!! Thank You Brenna! :D Love The Hancock Family